Black History Comes to Life at Jackson Elementary School
Jackson, Perkins Create Valentine’s Day Cards for Vets
Winter Activities
Jackson Tier 1 Committee planned an afternoon of Winter Activities for the Jackson students. Students got to sign up for two winter activities. Students got to participate in activities that included winter drawings, painting, gingerbread house making, cookie …
Holiday Sing-a-long
Jackson students started the day with Holiday Sing-a-long on December 21. Jackson staff played music while the students sang along.
VIP Day a Big Success
On 20th, Jackson hosted its first Annual VIP Day. VIP’s arrived at Jackson 45 minutes prior to lunch to participate in a reading or math activity with our students. After the activity all students and VIP enjoyed eating …
5th Grade Science
Fifth grade students from Mrs. Carter’s and Miss Magee’s class were outside studying shadows and how they change depending on the height of the sun on this beautiful Thursday morning.
Meet the Teacher Night
Meet the Teacher Night will be held on August 21st from 4-6PM. Please join us at Jackson to meet your new teacher and bring your school supplies.
Scouting the Routes for Safe Walks to School
The school bell times at Jackson will change with the beginning of the 2018-19 school year. Our new start time is 7:30 AM and we will dismiss at 2:25 PM, with a 75 minute early dismissal on Wednesdays. Please click on the headline to learn more about how we are engaging our staff to ensure an orderly transition when school resumes August 23.
Shoes That Fit Visits Jackson Elementary
Like the kids hollered in unison right on cue in the gym before they laced up their new summer sneakers, “THANK YOU, SHOES THAT FIT!” Mediacom/OnMedia and Shoes that Fit provided 400 pairs of sneakers to our students the day before summer began. Click on the headline to read more!