Leader in Me

School-wide Expectations:

Arrival: Doors open at 7:30 AM.  Students can not be dropped off at Jackson until 7:30.  Students arrive to school in multiple ways:  Bus, parent drop off, or they walk/ride their bikes to school.  Students must be in 3rd, 4th or 5th grade to ride their bike to school.  Bus students will be dropped off in the staff parking lot and enter in the building through the lunchroom doors.  Students that walk to school will or get dropped off at the restaurant parking lot next door will enter the building through the front door.  Students that have parents drive them to school must be dropped off in the parent pick up/drop off lane.  Please do not drop your child(ren) off in the staff parking lot.  2-5 grade students will enter the building at the entrance near the gym.  Kindergarten students will enter at the kindergarten doors.  1st grade students will enter the building at the door by the 1st grade hall.

Breakfast/Lunch:  All Jackson students will receive free breakfast and lunch.  Breakfast is served in the classroom.  Each teacher sets up his/her own routines for breakfast in classroom.  Lunch is served in the lunchroom.  Each classroom is supervised by a Jackson staff member for 30 minutes.  Students have about 20 minutes to eat lunch once they sit down at the table.

Recess:  Each student K-5 will have at least one 20 minute recess each day.  Students will be supervised at recess by their homeroom teacher.  Students go outside everyday to play unless the temperature or windchill is below 15 degrees or it is raining/snowing.  Please send your child to school with the proper attire to be comfortable while outside for recess.

7 Habits Information:

  1. Be Proactive – “You’re in Charge”
  2. Begin with the End in Mind – “Have a plan”
  3. Put First Things First – “Work first, then play”
  4. Think Win-Win – “Everyone  can win”
  5. Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood – “Listen before you talk”
  6. Synergize – “Together is Better”
  7. Sharpen the Saw – “Balance Feels Best”